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2014-09-11 05:00:22



我實在等不及它更新的速度,所以就找來原著快速掃瞄,專找令人心驚肉跳面紅耳赤的段落。隆重推薦16到18章Jamie 和Claire 結婚蜜月的那些段落,男主生猛又體貼,還是小處男,讀得我小心肝一顫一顫的。後來男主女主快樂地生活在一起,不幸男主被英國人抓住要吊死了,女主跑去營救結果把自己也搭進去了,然後呢,男主為了救女主脫離虎口提出只要放人任由Jack隨!意!凌!虐!絕!不!還!手!

The cool Scottish voice was matter-of-fact. 「Let the woman go, and ye can have me. Do what ye wish to me. I』ll not struggle, though I』ll allow you to bind me if ye think it needful. And I』ll not speak of it, come tomorrow. But first you』ll see the woman safe from the prison.」


He took Jamie’s chin in his hand and turned his face up. 「Now kiss me,」 he said softly, and lowered his head to Jamie’s unresisting mouth. Randall’s face when he rose was dreamy, eyes gentle and faraway, long mouth quirked in a smile.(dreamy好銷魂)


「He lifted my face then, between his hands, and he licked the drops of brandy from my lips. I wanted to pull back from him, but I』d given my word, so I just sat still.」

「After a moment, I could feel a hand on my head, but I didn』t move. He began to stroke my hair, very gently, over and over.(臥槽,原來是真愛。)

「When he rose up, he took the knife and drew it across my chest, from one side to the other. It was not a deep cut, but it bled a bit. He watched my face a moment, then reached out a finger and dipped it in the blood.」 Jamie’s voice was unsteady, tripping and stammering from time to time. 「He licked my blood off his finger, with little flicks of his tongue, like a c-cat washing itself. He smiled a bit, then—very kind, like—and bent his head to my chest. I was not bound at all, but I could not have moved. I just…sat there, while he used his tongue to…It did not hurt, precisely, but it felt verra queer. After a time, he stood up and cleaned himself careful with a towel.」「He—he told me that.…I was delicious.

He had his arms round my neck, and he pulled on me, and buried his face in my shoulder, and I could feel he was crying. I couldna tell what he was saying for a bit, and then I could; he was saying 『I love you, I love you,』 over and over, with his tears and his spittle running down my chest. I canna think why I did it. But I put my arms about him, and we just lay still for a bit. He stopped crying, finally, and kissed me and stroked me. Then he whispered to me, 『Tell me that you love me.』 」 He paused in the recital, smiling faintly. 「I would not do it. I dinna know why. By then I would ha』 licked his boots and called him the King of Scotland, if he』d wanted it. But I wouldna tell him that. I don』t even remember thinking about it; I just—wouldn』t.」 He sighed and his good hand twitched, gripping the coverlet. 「He used me again—hard. And he kept on saying it: 『Tell me that you love me, Alex. Say that you love me.』(看來Jack內心有一段虐戀難以忘懷啊。還有,Jamie你嘴上說不,身體挺誠實的嘛,竟然主動抱Jack.)




總之。要想緊湊一些,我覺得改編兩三季就可以,見好就收,不要戀棧。然後希望Starz拍以上鏡頭時能尺度大開,直追斯巴達克斯。   舉報