

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-09-13 17:48:41

Comment from 尼克 Bostrom

As a movie it was kind of entertaining, but as futurism … They had these operating systems that seemed to be smarter than normal humans, but did nothing other than being a kind of conversational partner. In the real world, if you had Artificial Intelligence that could perform at that level, then they would be doing all the law work, all the journalism, all the medicine. Employers would just copy these operating systems and have them do all the things that humans were doing. You』d have massive unemployment and a reallocation in the economy. That’s one big blind spot in the movie. I guess they didn』t want to distract from the story.(From 尼克 Bostrom)