明日定律--The Zero Theorem


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導演: 泰瑞吉廉
編劇: 派特羅辛
演員: 克里斯多夫沃茲 麥特戴蒙 班維蕭 蒂坦絲雲頓


2014-09-22 19:15:22


泰瑞 Gilliam, Director: "I was very intrigued by the idea of disconnecting from the connected world 'cause we are so inundated with connections and information and I find it personally overwhelming to the point where I don't know what's important anymore and only by getting away from all the noise we live in, all the advertising, the media, the news, interviews - it never stops. The Internet, which I love also I hate because I can get lost in it every day. I can avoid doing what I should be doing by roaming the Internet. There's all sorts of stuff in there. It's hard to find the focus now of what things are and what's important and I think that seems to be part of the film for me and I'd become for a long time but just about just getting away from it all so you know who you are. Spend time on your own. No Tweeting. No telephone. No television. No games - just yourself. You could have a book or two, that's all, and find out who you really are (laughs)."