星際異攻隊--Guardians of the Galaxy


8 / 1,272,367人    121分鐘

導演: 詹姆士昆恩
編劇: 詹姆士昆恩
演員: 克里斯帕拉特 李培斯 柔伊莎達娜 凱倫吉蘭


2014-09-29 14:47:22

Guardians of the Galaxy

A different take on a Marvel Film and it works refreshingly well. Love the humour of the film and the characters are well defined and interesting that stays true to its comic book personalities, even though the story itself isn't that special. It will be interesting to see how this story ties into the other Marvel titles, but the future of Marvel films definitely looks bright and still has us all excited for what is coming.