窈窕奶爸--Mrs. Doubtfire


7.1 / 291,124人    125分鐘

演員: 皮爾斯布洛斯南 克里斯哥倫布 莎莉菲爾德 羅賓威廉斯
編劇: 克里斯哥倫布 導演: 克里斯哥倫布


2014-10-31 00:11:08



Mrs. Doubtfire: "Sink the sub. Hide the weasel. Park the porpoise. A bit of the old Humpty Dumpty, Little Jack Horny, the Horizontal Mambo, hmm? The Bone Dancer, Rumpleforeskin, Baloney Bop, a bit of the old Cunning Linguistics?"

Stu: "Mrs. Doubtfire, please."

Mrs. Doubtfire: "Oh, dear, now I'm sorry, am I being a little graphic? I'm sorry. Well, I hope you're up for a little competition. She's got a power tool in the bedroom, dear. It's her own personal jackhammer. She could break sidewalk with that thing. She uses it and the lights dim, it's like a prison movie. Amazed she hasn't chipped her teeth...I hope you bring cocktail sauce. She's got the crabs, dear, and I don't mean Dungeness."
