

2014-11-14 07:55:47

CHILDHOOD if of great influence towards people's life


Andrew Jarecki在電影release後還在自掏腰包採訪了14個當年被「虐待」的小孩。最後竟然證明Jesse是無!罪!的!
現在the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals 在2010年宣佈了「a reasonable likelihood Jesse Friedman was wrongfully convicted」,支持者建立了好幾個網站類似http://www.justiceforjesse.com幫助Jesse搜集證據,洗刷冤情。
Andrew Jarecki借這部片子對美國司法公正程度、警察審訊時的嚴謹程度及媒體輿論導向的影響都提出異議。紐約時報喜歡這片子得不得了反覆review了好幾次還說它是one of the most heartbreaking films ever made about an American family。我個人也是很喜歡。


After watching documentaries for half term, CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS has been the most attractive and fictional one which intensively caught my attention.
A well-made documentary is based on an interesting topic, which can only be captured by accident. Andrew Jarecki was lucky enough to make out this film with various angles of his directing and rich information, the family video, for incidence.
At first I was so confused by Jesse, the last son of Arnold, who was so much determined that he was innocent even with his own brothers on the car before he went to the court the last time. After reading some reviews on this film I figured out gradually that Jessie was brained washed by his dad with his value because he was abused by his dad when he was a child. That was why he never felt guilty and his dad had been regretful at the very end and suicided.
As for Arnold, he was absolutely guilty based on his childhood experience. Fortunately his younger brother did not remember a single thing about it or it might cause other crimes.
Anyway, the root cause of this tragedy can be traced from the divorce of Arnold's parents and, in particular, the misleading behavior of his mother.
The previous family videos and photos of the Friedmans' rose a strong contrast with their abnormal and disgusting behavior.

14 Nov 2014
Had a discussion in today's class.
My professor just rose different attitude towards Jesse's attorney as well as the witness, especially the guy who lying in the sofa through the interview. As far as he's concerned, the attorney is reasonably doubtful, and slightly performed in the interview.
This triggers issues on the real JUSTICE in the court.