

7.8 / 608,904人    117分鐘

導演: 丹吉洛伊
編劇: 丹吉洛伊
演員: 傑克葛倫霍 蕾妮羅素 比爾派斯頓 里茲阿邁德


2014-11-16 14:31:01


My personal reading of Nightcrawler as follow:
As a goal oriented symbolic of contemporary consumerism, the hero, who was using internet - contemporary technology - to studies his way to be a journalist, highlighted a clear meaning of this film, that is, as Jake Gyllenhaal said 「I』ll do everything(to achieve my goad)」 and Marcos Rodríguez said 「I』ll do everything(to survive).」
My reading is that because Jake consciously call Marcos his 『employee』 rather then 『partner』, it separated them into two classes, that is, exploiting and exploited classes.
By Jack’s act of stocking, lying, even killing, indirectly without a blink or hesitation on his eyes, 「It would be murder」 as the detective point out, implies the vicious of exploiting class and explore decadency of consumerist totalitarianism (it’s not the truth that’s matter in the news but what can attract attention from consumer).
Although the theme of Nightcrawler is propaganda and characters inside can be over exaggerated, this still a worth-watching film in 2014.