神鬼尖兵2--The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day


6.2 / 66,936人    118分鐘 | 138分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: Troy Duffy
編劇: Troy Duffy Taylor Duffy
演員: 西恩派屈克福納瑞 諾曼李杜斯 比利康諾里


2014-11-17 07:06:25

Thanks for coming out.

 You look good, Roc.
 You two don't.
 Yeah, we had a friend..
 I know. he was a big boy.
 If it weren't for us, may be the 2 of you would..
 would what? would never have stood for anything?
 What are you talking about, Roc?
 I made my decision and stood next to you. And it was an honor. And I wouldn't change that for the whole world. Not one minute of it. Now Sláinte.
 You know, he was sort of a bad-ass, though, wasn't he?
 Shades of Eastwood. Charlie Bronson.
 Duke fucking wayne!
 Men build things. Then we die. It's in our ducking DNA! That's what we do!
 And when it all falls down...
 We build it right back up again.
 But this time bigger. better!
 Look! Look what we can do.Look how fucking beautiful we are. You think the men that built all this had it easy?
 Hard men! Doing hard shit!
 And that gives me a hard-on!..... But not in a gay way or anything.
 No, no, course not. Yeah, goes without saying.
 I am so sick of this self-help, 12-step,leftover hippie generation bullshit!
 Now they don't want you to do anything, right? Just sit there! Don't drink! Don't smoke! Don't drive fast!
 Kiss my ass!
 Fuck it, do it all, I say! You think Duke Wayne spent all his time talking about his feelings with a fucking therapist?
 There's no fucking way he did!
 John wayne died with 5 pounds of undigested red meat in his ass!
 Now that's a man! Real men hide their feelings. Why?
 Because it's none of your fucking business!
 Men do not cry, men do not pout, men jack you in the fucking jaw and say...
 Thanks for coming out.