

2014-11-17 17:21:37



這是一部講述精神病人及治療方法的電影, 雖然故事情節沒有《禁閉島》那樣引人入勝,扣人心弦,但這真的可以說是一部好片。片中許多情節和暗示首尾呼應,需要看第二遍時才能領會其中的精妙,例如,男主拿出懷錶看時間時痴醉的眼神,他為什麼會去玩弄骷髏頭去電青蛙,以及他對女主所說的每一句欲言又止的話。。。

二、自然療法。Dr. Lamb控制醫院後,將正常的醫護人員關在地下室,而把病人當做正常人,雖然病人看似可以正常生活,但是也無法得到真正的治癒。
    回想一下那個畫面,在一群瘋子之間,一個瘋子在醫治另一個連醫生都無法治癒的瘋子?這他媽的到底誰是醫生誰是瘋子啊,學習ACIM的朋友這時想必會心領神會了,這不是在說,愛 (聖靈)才是真正的醫生嗎。

What's it like? To be in love?
Eliza: Why did you come here?
Newgate: I came here for you.
Eliza: For me? Why?
Newgate: I-I saw you six months ago at a medical lecture.
I saw you.
You looked so lost and so beautiful.
It sickened me to see you exhibited like a sideshow freak.
I would have stopped it if I could, but I couldn't.
I-I couldn't.
So, I vowed there and then that I would find you
and that nothing would stop me.
Eliza: Did you even know my name?
Newgate: It didn't matter.
Eliza: No, it does matter.
Saying otherwise proves you're no better than any of them.
Newgate: Than who?
Eliza: My family, my doctors, my husband.
You act like I'm some precious thing to be bartered
or put on display or possessed.
Newgate: It-It's not like that with me, Eliza.
Eliza: No? How is it different?
Newgate: It's you who possesses me.
Dr. Lamb: We're all mad, Dr. Newgate.
Some are simply not mad enough to admit it.
Newgate: You know, Eliza said you were always very kind to her
and the other patients.
Marion: I loved them like my own children.
Newgate: Even Lamb?
Marion: There is some good even in poor Silas.
Though I fear it has become deranged by madness.
Newgate: How do I understand him?
Marion: Your first instinct was the right one.
Think of him as your patient.
Shine the light of your sympathy into the darkest corners of his mind,
and maybe then you'll find what he so desperately wants
to keep hidden from you and from himself.
Only then will you have what you need.
Newgate: To defeat him?
Marion: No. To heal him.
Eliza: Help me. One of you. Please, I'm not mad.........
