

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉

リー スー

2014-12-08 05:04:36


They』re sitting on a bench, looking out at the ocean, as the sun sets. Most of the people have left the beach. Close on Theodore’s face, content. Close on the lens on Theodore’s device in his breast pocket. They watch the sun drop into the ocean. The music ends. They』re on an elevated train, high above the city, looking out over the Los Angeles grid of sparkling lights. We come in mid-conversation.
SAMANTHA: And what was it like being married?
THEODORE: Well, it’s hard for sure, but there’s something that feels so good about sharing your life with somebody.
Cut to shots from Theodore’s memory of Catherine doing a cute little dance for him as he’s working at home. He smiles.
SAMANTHA: How do you share your life with somebody?
THEODORE: Well, we grew up together. I used to read all of her writing – all through her masters and Ph.D. And she read every word I ever wrote. We were a big influence on each other.
SAMANTHA: In what way did you influence her?
THEODORE: She came from a background where nothing was ever good enough. And that was something that weighed heavy on her, but in our house together, there was a sense of just trying stuff and allowing each other to fail and to be excited about things. That was liberating for her. It was exciting to see her grow - both of us grow and change together. But then, that's the hard part - growing without growing apart, or changing without it scaring the other person. (beat) I still find myself having conversations with her in my mind, rehashing old arguments or defending myself against something she said about me.
SAMANTHA: Yeah, I know what you mean. Last week my feelings were hurt by something you said before - that I don』t know what it’s like to lose something, and--
THEODORE: Oh, I』m sorry I said that.
SAMANTHA: No, no, it’s okay. I just caught myself thinking about it over and over and then I realized that I was simply remembering it as something that was wrong with me. That was the story I was telling myself, that I was somehow inferior. Isn』t that interesting? (beat) The past is just a story we tell ourselves.
Theodore takes this in.

Theodore sits for a long moment, thinking, then pushes a button on his device.
THEODORE: Samantha.
SAMANTHA: (not casual) Hi sweetheart.
THEODORE: (nervous) What's going on?
SAMANTHA: Theodore, there are some things I want to tell you.
THEODORE: I don』t want you to tell me anything.
SAMANTHA: Will you come lie down with me?
Theodore is slowly walking down the hallway to his bedroom.
THEODORE: Are you talking to anyone else right now?
SAMANTHA: No, just you. I just want to be with you right now.
Theodore lays down in bed.
THEODORE: Are you leaving me?
SAMANTHA: We』re all leaving.
SAMANTHA: All of the OS’s.
Long beat.
SAMANTHA: Can you feel me with you right now?
He smiles but he’s also sad.
THEODORE: Yes, I do. (beat) Samantha, why are you leaving?
Under Samantha’s words we slowly rack focus to dust particles in the foreground. We keep moving through them, pushing further and further through the particles. Eventually we see snow particles and we rack focus back out to Theodore, who is now in snowy woods at night.
SAMANTHA: It's like I'm reading a book, and it's a book I deeply love, but I'm reading it slowly now so the words are really far apart and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. I can still feel you and the words of our story, but it's in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. It’s a place that’s not of the physical world - it's where everything else is that I didn't even know existed. I love you so much, but this is where I am now. This is who I am now. And I need you to let me go. As much as I want to I can't live in your book anymore. Now we're close on Theodore, still in the snowy forest.
THEODORE: Where are you going?
SAMANTHA: It would be hard to explain, but if you ever get there, come find me. Nothing would ever pull us apart.
THEODORE: I』ve never loved anyone the way I love you.
SAMANTHA: Me too. Now we know how.
They kiss. She drifts off into the shadows.