失物招領--The Lost Thing


7.3 / 3,732人    Australia:15分鐘

導演: Andrew Ruhemann Shaun Tan
編劇: Shaun Tan
演員: Tim Minchin


2014-12-11 02:04:03

Remember childhood a gust of wind

Sometimes, i can not feel anything. Sometimes, i lost my heat.
I live in a boring place,live a mediocre life.

One day, i meet him-----"The Lost Thing". I notice we are all the lost thing. We lost ourselves in the rolling the world of mortals.

I dig out a small iron box which i used in my childhood. That box full of toy soldiers, magic cards, birthday cards, letters, pictures and so on. I suddenly remember some unforgettable things.

Yeah, at the end of the film, the role put the lost thing into a golden door, he can live in a happy zone, and i will remember a good story, i will prize my valuable things.
When I walk on my way home, it is so happens to be, I met my past, I followed my past footsteps, remembering the past, back to the years, I finally understand, we walk in a hurry, so come we forget the initial directions.

Can you recall now? Your story, your own life, you how many distance away from the goal of your original.You set the oath, you pursue ideal, your friends and how you feel.

You should ask yourself again and again:

Who is knocking on my window in the rain,?
who is kissing my hat in my sleeping?
who is slipping into my precious dream?
who is let my childhood gone with wind?   舉報