

6.3 / 5,841人    92分鐘

導演: 大衛馬密
編劇: 大衛馬密
演員: 艾爾帕西諾 海倫米蘭 傑夫泰爾 奇維托艾吉佛


2014-12-18 07:03:39



  菲爾·斯派特(Phil Spector),美國著名唱片製作人,這位音樂鬼才曾製作了無數經典名曲,影響了整整一代的流行音樂方向,他獲得過多次葛萊美獎,而且還在1989年入主了搖滾名人堂。與他合作過的大牌音樂人有披頭士樂隊( The Beatles)、萊昂納德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)、正義兄弟合唱團(The Righteous Brothers)、雷蒙斯樂隊(Ramones)、喬治·哈里森(George 哈里斯on)等等,幾乎各個都如雷貫耳。

  近期,HBO製作播出了一部以菲爾·斯派特生平故事為藍本改編的電視電影《菲爾·斯派特》(Phil Spector),講述的是2003年他被指控謀殺後的經歷。案件歷經六年的冗長庭審,並經陪審團聆聽多名控方證人的證詞,查驗相關證據後,裁決其二級謀殺罪名成立。
  大衛·布恩庫利(David Bianculli)是TV Worth Watching網站的創辦人及編輯,於美國紐澤西的羅文大學任教電視及電影歷史,是一位電視評論家。在本期的《滋味人生》中,我們一起來看看他對《菲爾·斯派特》有何評價,同時也讓我們來了解下菲爾·斯派特這位音樂天才的故事。


  艾爾·帕西諾:(飾演菲爾·斯派特)他們在控告我謀殺。好吧,對不起。《你已失去愛的感覺》——這是什麼?開玩笑呀?是什麼?這是發行史上最厲害的歌曲。我賣出了兩百五十萬張唱片。你說是猶太人開創了音樂產業。開創音樂產業的不是猶太人,是我。紐約,第七街,那裡有座雕像,一個矮小的猶太老人,戴著頂猶太小帽,彎身縫紉機前。他是那個開創成衣業的人。那我開創了音樂產業,哪裡有我的雕像?什麼總統勳章又在哪裡?(他把唱片放到唱碟機轉盤上)   正義兄弟組合:(歌聲)我吻你雙唇時你已不再緊閉雙眼……


  泰瑞 Gross (Host): This Sunday, HBO Films presents a new, made-for-TV movie called 「Phil Spector.」 It’s about the famous and infamous record producer as he and his legal team prepare his defense in court, on charges of murdering a female companion. The movie stars Al Pacino as Phil Spector, and Helen Mirren as the lawyer who ends up leading his initial defense. Our TV critic David Bianculli has this review.
  (Soundbite of song, 「He’s A Rebel」)
  The Crystals: (singing) See the way he walks down the street. That’s the way he 1)shuffles his feet. My, he holds his head up high when he goes walking by. He’s my guy... David Bianculli: The HBO movie 「Phil Spector」 is a production that demands attention because of the 2)heavyweight names attached. First, of course, there’s the subject of the drama—Spector himself, the man who invented the [1]Wall of Sound and recorded hits for everyone from [2]the Crystals, [3]Darlene Love, and [4]Ike and Tina Turner; to [5]the Beatles and [6]The Righteous Brothers. Oh, and who also went on trial in 2007, for the 2003 shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson. He claimed she shot herself with one of his many guns. The 3)prosecution argued that he put the gun 4)barrel in her mouth, and pulled the 5)trigger.
  Then there are the names attached to this 6)dramatization. Barry Levinson is the executive producer. David Mamet is both writer and director. Jeffrey Tambor plays the leading defense 7)attorney, Bruce Cutler, who brings in attorney Linda Kenney Baden as a last minute co-8)counsel. Linda is played by Helen Mirren, and Al Pacino plays Phil Spector. Almost the entire movie focuses on those last two, with Linda trying to get to know Spector quickly while 9)mounting a defense and assessing whether he should be 10)put on the stand.
  But what demands the most attention here, to me, isn』t the subject, or the production team, or the stars. It’s the opening 11)disclaimer, written by Mamet as a 12)preface to his story. I』ve been a TV critic for more than 35 years now, and I』ve never seen anything quite like it. Even though it’s based on actual people and concerns an actual event, here is the disclaimer to the movie called 「Phil Spector.」 Quote, 「This is a work of fiction. It’s not based on a true story. It is a drama inspired by actual persons in a trial, but it is neither an attempt to depict the actual persons nor to comment upon the trial or its outcome,」 unquote.   Mamet may as well have written: Don』t anybody 13)sue us. I』m just making stuff up, using names and a few bits of court 14)testimony that are in the public record—except if you look closely at the credits for this HBO work of fiction, you』ll find that Linda Kenney Baden—the attorney played by Helen Mirren—serves as a consultant. So even though her exchanges with the real Phil Spector are protected by attorney-client 15)privilege, you get the feeling—at least, I do—that Mamet may not be winging it as much as he claims to be with that disclaimer.
  But take that disclaimer seriously. You can』t trust what you see in this HBO movie. But you can, and should, enjoy it. This 「Phil Spector」 movie, essentially, is a two-person play—an awkward dance between Linda and her 16)eccentric client, as he reveals his shifting psychological states by jamming his mental gears between charming remarks, challenging questions and emotional 17)rants. Pacino is an actor set at hurricane force here, and Mirren matches him by countering his fury with her calm. Mamet’s dialogue, as expected, is 18)crisp and 19)thought-provoking; and these two acting pros make the most of it. Here’s a scene from their first meeting, when Linda visits Phil’s 20)mansion and he reaches for a 21)vinyl record, to put on the 22)turntable as they talk.
  (Soundbite of movie, 「Phil Spector」)
  Helen Mirren: (as Linda Kenney Baden) As your attorney, I must counsel you not—whatever the 23)provocation, not to talk to anyone.
  Al Pacino: (as Phil Spector) They』re 24)indicting me for murder. All right, sorry. 「You』ve Lost That Loving Feeling」—what was it? Are you kidding me? What was it? It was, it was the greatest song ever released. I sold over two and a half million copies. You say that Jews invented the music business. The Jews didn』t invent the music business. I invented the music business. Seventh Avenue, 紐約, there’s a statue, a little old Jewish guy, 25)yarmulke, bent over a sewing machine. He’s that guy invented ready-to-wear. I invented the music business. Where’s a statue of me? Where’s the presidential medal? (puts record on turntable) The Righteous Brothers: (singing) You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips...
  Pacino: [7]Sidney Poitier broke the color barrier? Are you kidding me? He was playing Superman. You want to know who he was? He was an uptight, frightened, white guy’s version of a black man. I put [8]the Ronettes in their home. I put black America in the white home. First time you got felt up, first time you got somebody’s hand on you, guess what? You were listening to one of my songs.   Mirren: (as Linda Kenney Baden) Did you kill that girl?
  Pacino: (as Phil Spector) I thought attorneys never asked that question. Bianculli: This 「Phil Spector」 movie does ask that question, but never answers it, and never even tries to. 26)In essence, it reminds me of 「[9]Fatal Vision,」 the famous 1984 27)miniseries about preparations for the murder trial of Jeffrey MacDonald.
  But even there, that story’s author, Joe McGinniss, eventually came down on one side and delivered his own 28)verdict, even making himself a character in that drama. In the HBO movie 「Phil Spector,」 the only verdict comes at the end, when we』re told what the jury decided at the end of Spector’s days in court. And after the movie is all over, I』m left with my final verdict as well. I may not believe a lot of what I see in HBO’s 「Phil Spector,」 but I』m certainly impressed and entertained by it.

  [1] Wall of Sound 「聲音之牆」,一種流行樂和搖滾樂的錄音製作技巧,由音樂製作人菲爾·斯派特(Phil Spector)於20世紀60年代早期首創。
  [2] The Crystals 水晶合唱團,成立於紐約,被認為是20世紀60年代前期最具代表性的女子音樂組合。
  [3] Darlene Love 達琳·洛芙,美國流行歌手和演員,以20世紀60年代發佈的單曲《他是叛徒》聞名於樂壇。
  [4] Ike and Tina Turner 艾克和蒂娜·特納二人組合,是一對夫妻檔組合,曾被認為是「最炙手可熱、最經久不衰的R&B組合」。
  [5] The Beatles 披頭士樂隊,也稱為金龜樂隊,英國搖滾樂隊,1960年成立於英國利物浦,1970年解散,被認為是流行樂壇史上商業最成功和最偉大的樂隊。
  [6] The Righteous Brothers 正義兄弟組合,成立於1963年,是一對白人靈魂樂組合,他們的歌曲《Unchained Melody》因為影片《人鬼情未了》成為一代人的記憶。
  [7] Sidney Poitier 西德尼·波蒂埃,美國黑人演員,1958年以反種族影片《掙脫鎖鏈》(The Defiant Ones)贏得柏林影帝頭銜,並迅速成為好萊塢頭號黑人演員。1964年再以《原野百合花》(Lilies of the Field)勇奪奧斯卡最佳男主角,成為美國影史第一位黑人影帝。
  [8] The Ronettes 朗奈特合唱團,20世紀60年代風靡美國樂壇的女子合唱組合。
  [9] Fatal Vision 美國影片《致命幻影》,講述1970年美國陸軍特種部隊醫生Jeffrey MacDonald被指控在北卡羅來納州的家中殺死了有孕在身的妻子和兩個女兒。在最初相信他是清白的情況下,Jeffrey的岳父對於整件事情產生了疑心,於是開始千方百計地查證,終於在9年之後讓Jeffery以殺害三條人命的重罪受到了法律的制裁。

