倒帶人生--Mr. Nobody


7.7 / 246,700人    141分鐘 | Canada:138分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival) | 157分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: 賈柯凡多梅爾
編劇: 賈柯凡多梅爾
演員: 傑瑞德雷托 莎拉波利 黛安克魯格 萊斯伊凡


2014-12-29 03:58:27



Like most living creatures, the pigeon quickly associates the pressing of a lever with reward. But when a timer releases the seal automatically every 20 seconds, the pigeon wonders, what I did to serve this? If it was flapping its wings at the time, it will continue to flap convinced that its action have a decisive influence on what happens. We call this "pigeon superstition".

Time didnot exist. Time is a result of the expansion of universe itself... If String Theory is correct, the universe possesses 9 spatial dimensions, and 1 temporal dimension. We can imagine that at beginning, all dimensions were twisted together, during the Big Bang, 3 spatial dimensions the ones we know are height width and depth and 1 temporal dimension the one we is time were deployed, the other 6 remained minuscule winded up together, and if we lived in the universe of wound dimensions, how do we distinguish between illusion and reality?
Time as we know it is the dimension we experience only in one direction. But what if the additional dimension wasn't spatial, but temporal... If you mix the mashed potatoes and sauce, you can't separate them later, it's forever. The smoke comes out of daddy's cigarette but it never goes back in. You cannot go back that's why it's hard to choose. You have to make the right choice. As long as you don't choose, everything remains possible.

Why does cigarette smoke never go back into the cigarette? why do molecules spread away from each other? Why does the drop of ink never reform? Because the universe moves towards still dissipation. That is the principle of entropy. The tendency of the universe to evolve to a state of increasing disorder. The principle of entropy is related to the arrow of time, result the expansion of the universe. But what happen if the gravitation forces can't balance the forces of expansion, or if the energy of quantum void proves too weak? At that moment, the universe might enter the phase of contraction, the Big Crunch. So what will become time? Will it reverse? No one knows the answer.

The Big Crunch will happen in 2092, the people who can hang on that long will get a free run.

- all those lives, which one is the right one?
- each of these lives is the right one. Every path is the right path. 'Everything could have been anything else. And it would have just as much meaning.' -田納西 威廉斯
- you can't be dead and still be here. You can't not exist... Is there life after death?
- after death? How can you be sure that you even exist? You don't exist, neither do I. We only live in the imagination of a nine-year-old child. We're imagined by a nine-year-old child, faced with an impossible choice.... In chess it's called Zugzwang when the only viable move is not to move.... Before he was unable to make a choice, because he didnot what to happen. Now that he knows what will happen he is unable to make a choice.... This is the most beautiful day in my life.

我想電影借鑑了「分支時空」理論,比電影《超時空來電》(The Caller)更全面細膩詮釋了該理論。

