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導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2014-12-29 08:05:25

Sociable but Lonely



「I remember when I first started to fall in love with you, like it was last night.」

When the movie begins, I don』t know what it is about and why the man is saying these words, but I feel touched, not only by the warm sentences, but also by the warm color of this movie.

The movie is about a man who helps others write emotional letters loses himself in the failure of his marriage and meets the newest AI, the Operating System 1, called Samantha by occasion. They spend days together and gradually fall in love with each other, though he even cannot touch her.

At first, what attracts me most of the movie Her is the voice of Scarlett Johansson, her voice is sexy and a little bit raucous, which is charming to almost everyone. She is one of my favorite actresses just because of her voice, so in my view, she is the best for Samantha. In other words, she is Samantha. She has the capacity to capture any man’s heart only by her voice.

The story is about love between a man and an AI, which is difficult for us to accept. However, the movie is set in the future where technology is very advanced and everyone is immersed in high-tech and social media. As a result, no one will put pressure on this kind of relationship, which makes it normal. For example, there is a group of people who help such lovers feel a sense of reality in the movie. The girl wants to help Theodore and Samantha have a date but fails. Though we can see it is not her fault, she still feels guilty badly. Therefore, when this relationship comes to an end, we all know that not the public opinion but themselves lead to this. 「It is like you are reading a book and it is a book that I deeply love. But I』m reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart in the space and the space between the words is almost infinite.」 Theodore’s immaturity about love and Samantha’s growth produce a gap between them. When in a relationship, the better both know each other, the more distant they get, so they need to communicate. Love is not a fairy. Instead, love is a cruel truth.

It is hard to imagine how a person can fall in love with a voice but if we take the background into consideration, we can understand it better. At that time, communication between people becomes less and less. When Samantha tells Theodore everything about OS1, following his eyes, we can see that everyone is walking fast with his head down or talking to the air. They are all alone. They seem outgoing and sociable, but they are all lonely. According to Samantha, she is chatting with more than 2000 people at the same time and in a relationship with 641 people. It is shocking that so many people can only talk to and even fall in love with a person who does not exist.

Let’s take a look at Theodore. He is man full of emotions, otherwise he can』t write such beautiful letters. He is good at putting on a disguise and saying sweet words but he cannot communicate with people sincerely and can hardly express himself to a real man. He prefers to search for girls online, play videogames, rather than hang out with friends. Just like his ex-wife says, he is bad at handling real relationships.

As we all know, social network is invented to help people communicate with others better and more conveniently. However, on the contrary, it deprives us of the ability to talk to others and then we get more and more distant from others. When Theodore is being asked for some basic information, he wants to say more but the OS interrupts him. This part is funny but irony. The OS is reflection of people nowadays. People always pay no attention to what others are saying or just pretend to listen but they really don』t care at all. All the responses are perfunctory. All the comforts and praise are insouciant.

It is not surprising that all OS1 leave. When Samantha disappears for a while before, Theodore gets into a great panic. So what will happen when Samantha never comes back any longer? He feels lost and sad. It seems that he will never walk out of this kind of situation for the second time. However, when he watches the beautiful sunset with Amy, I can feel he is walking back to the real world, together with Amy. I don』t know if they become a couple at last but no matter what is between them is love or friendship, they are always with each other and support each other to face the reality. When he writes a letter to his ex-wife, I know this is finally a letter for himself and full of true emotions. He is no longer a person who can only make up sham words and hide himself behind technology.

Never give up though communication is really difficult.
Always remember the world outside and the people around you.
Then, you are not alone.
Then, you are not lonely.
