如果我留下--If I Stay


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導演: 卡特勒
編劇: 夏娜克羅絲
演員: 米瑞伊諾斯 傑米布萊克利 喬舒亞李納德

2014-12-29 23:28:15

Sacrifice. That's what we do for the people that we love.

1. 那個我喜歡的樂隊







2. Sacrifice. That's what we do for the people that we love.

- I've been trying to think of what 丹尼 would want me to say to you. The kid was a helluva of dad, wasn't he? He sure had me beat. I remember the day that he quit the band. He just up and said, "That's it. The time has come." I was surprised. I never really liked the way the band sounded, but I knew how important it was to him. And so I asked him, I said, "Why are you quitting?" And he said, "You make sacrifices for your kids." "For your kids." He said that without even blinking. That's why he quit the band.

- For Teddy.

- For you. It was when he heard you play so well. I think that's when it clicked for him. Your incredible talent, it... He just couldn't believe it. And all he want to do was to give you more. So, he quit the band, he sold his drum kit and he bought you that cello. Sacrifice. That's what we do for the people that we love.
  And here's mine, Mia. I want you to live. I want that more than anything in this world. I want you to fight like hell to stay with us. But, with everybody else gone, I know it might not be what you want. It might be too hard for you to keep fighting, so... If you wanna go, I want you to know it's okay. It's okay. I understand.