情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


5.7 / 125,639人    125分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2015-01-10 07:26:18

The film about love

       Perhaps the financial crisis without distinction in miserable conditions, Hollywood's major suit are not paid by.
       All Stars type of films began to appear more and more frequently.
       Of course, this convergence from ancient to modern times whether popular, old-fashioned; people's love, college recognized; young love Xiu stature, so can only engage in dusk love such as romantic comedy star "Valentine's day"!

        A business is only from the story on ambition be completely bared there and then, like a man but embarrassing to find he is gay pioneer topic, suddenly found himself as the man who has been address each other as brothers of female friends is the most loving "close friend of" theme, the female boss male subordinates to make the "office" in love, in pointing others closely reasoned and well argued love PR expert face their love but confusion "expert confusion disorder", even the middle-aged to older "Twilight" crisis did not let go, set the world all love movie themes in a body, up a love encyclopedia style, direct the title of "Valentine's Day" is declared the romance of love who persistent.

       First of all, I think this movie many major suit star, male star is handsome, actress is beautiful, be good to hear or see.
       I think this movie is very romantic, although the plot a bit complicated, but overall is still relatively easy. Is the type I like.
       In this youth buds the University of the times, the topic of love seems cannot do without our lives, and this movie had a better interpretation of the meaning of true love.
       I watched this movie is very touching, I like this film.
       Love is the eternal topic of human. But Valentine's Day was the lovers, this day, lovers to dress up, the street the roses filled the air, revealed in a sweet smell.
       University of love is always sweet and bitter, I also hope that someone can say good morning, good night with me every day.