

8 / 681,674人    126分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2015-01-17 23:51:29

Her,never with me

I've been sitting her thinking about all the things I wanted to apologize to you for.
All the pain we caused each other.
Everything I put on you.
Everything I needed you to be or needer you to say.
I'm sorry for that.
I'll alwsys love you. because we grew up together.
And you helped make me who I am.
I just wanted you to knew...that there will be a piece of you in me,always.
And I'm grateful for that.
Whatever someone you become, whereever you are in the world...
I'm sending you love.
You're my friend to the end.
