藥命俱樂部--Dallas Buyers Club


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導演: 尚馬克瓦利
編劇: 梅麗莎沃雷克
演員: 馬修麥康納 珍妮佛嘉納 傑瑞德雷托 丹尼斯奧黑爾


2015-01-30 13:29:59


「God sure was dressing the wrong doll when he blessed you with a set of balls. Look, it's one thing for me not to like you but why can't you be a better friend to yourself?」

「I met somebody, who's been very kind to me. And, I'd like to repay that debt. But, I need help. Please?」

「God, When I meet you I'm gonna be pretty if it's the last thing I do. I'll be a beautiful angel.」

「Mr.Woodroof, I'm afraid that you're nothing more than a common drug dealer. So, if you excuse us.

Oh, I'm the drug dealer. No, you're the fuckin' drug dealer. Goddamn, people are dying. And, y'all up there are afraid that we're gonna find an alternative without you. See, the pharma companies pay the FDA to push their product. Fuck no, they don't wanna see my research. I don't have enough cash in my pocket to make it worth their while.」

「We think it is in everyone's best interest that you resign.

I won't. You'll have to fire me. Y'all go fuck yourselves!」

「Do you ever miss your regular life?

Regular life? What is that? It doesn't exist.

Yeah, I guess. No, I know, I just... I just wanna...


Ice-cold beer, a little riding in. Well, take my woman dancing. You know? I want kids. I mean, I got one... one life, right? Mine. But sh... Fuck, I want somebody else's sometimes. Sometimes I just feel like I'm fighting for a life I just ain't got time to live. I want it to mean something.

It does.」