模仿遊戲--The Imitation Game


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導演: 摩頓帝敦
編劇: 格雷厄姆摩爾
演員: 班奈狄克康柏拜區 綺拉奈特莉 馬修古迪 馬克史壯


2015-02-06 18:43:10


「Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow.」

「They only beat me up because I'm smarter than they are.

No, they beat you up because you're different.

Mother says I'm just an odd duck. And she'e right.

But you know, Alan, sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.」

「Mr. Turing, why are you helping me?

Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.」

「When people talk to each other, they never say what they mean. They say something else and you're expected to just know what they mean.」


「You know why people like violence, Hugh? It's because it feels good. Sometimes we can't do what feels good. We have to do what is logical.

What's logical?

Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they're expecting to be lied to. If someone's waiting for a lie, you can just, uh, give them one.」

「Some advice about keeping secrets. It's a lot easier if you don't know them in the first place.」

「The war dragged on for two more solitary years, and every day we performed our blood-soaked calculus. Every day we decided who lived an who died. And every day we helped the Allies to victories, and nobody knew. Stalingrad. The Ardenne. The invasion of Normandy. All victories that would not have been possible without the intelligence that we supplied. And people talk about the war as this epic battle between, um... civilizations, freedom versus tyranny, democracy versus Nazism, armies of millions bleeding into the ground, fleets of ships weighing down the oceans, planes dropping bombs from the sky until they obliterated the sun itself. The war wasn't like that for us. For us, it was just half a dozen crossword enthusiasts in a tiny village in the South of England. Was I God? No. Because God didn't win the war. We did.

That's unbelievable.

Now, Detective, you get to judge. So, tell me... what am I? Mm, am I a machine? Am I a person? Am I a war hero? Am I a criminal?

I can't judge you.

Well, then... you're no help to me at all.」

「Was I God? No. Because God didn't win the war. We did.」

「No one normal could have done that. Do you know, this morning, I was on a train that went through a city that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. I bought a ticket from a man who would likely be dead if it wasn't for you. I read up on my work... a whole field of scientific inquiry that only exists because of you. Now, if you wish you could have been normal... I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren't.

Do you... do you really think that?

I think... that sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.」

「Today we call them "computers".」