

7.8 / 615,637人    117分鐘

導演: 丹吉洛伊
編劇: 丹吉洛伊
演員: 傑克葛倫霍 蕾妮羅素 比爾派斯頓 里茲阿邁德


2015-02-23 05:08:01


in fact, i ve made up my mind to find a career that i can learn and grow into. who am i ? i am a hard worker, i set high goals, and i ve been told i am persistent. Now, i am not fooling myself, sir. Having been raised with the self-esteem movement so popular in high school, i used to be expect my needs to be considered, but i know that today's work culture no longer caters to job loyalty that could be promised to early generation, what i believe sir, is that good things come to those who works their asses off. and as for people such as you, at the top of the mountain, didn;t just fall there. my motto is, if you want to win the lottery, you have to make the money to buy it.