他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


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導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2015-03-04 06:59:04

Dont be sorry, I am lucky


Sam是個智商只有七歲的父親 有個精靈般的女兒Lucy Diamond

畫面開始總是溫馨甜蜜 一陣手忙腳亂就把lucy帶到7歲 但當lucy開始會讀故事書上sam不會的單詞 也開始意識到爸爸的不同 她拒絕長大
「how can we be so different and feel so much alike?」

地方教育把lucy帶走 sam只能靠法律來爭取撫養權
動人的是年紀小小如她 在sam前來探望時對著監視窗外的工作人員吼「Can you hear me? I said I am sorry. I dont want anyone be my father but him. Why dont you write it down? 」

「You need much more than your father can give you」
「All I need is love」
在與律師對話時 她的眼神明亮又堅定


「In some ways, I am smarter than you, Mr.Turner」

——Who do you look up to? Who do you wanna be like?
——Myself. I look up myself as a father.

——What makes you think you can do that?
——I have a lot of time. You see, what makes somebody a good parent, its about constancy, its about patience, its about listening, and its about pretending listening even when you cant listen anymore. And, its about love.

sam最愛說的一句話 thats a very good choice
他們都是幸福的 因為他們都是孩子呀 生活在大人的世界 容易一不小心就忘了自己最需要的是什麼

「Yep, but I tried. I tried so hard. And you dont know the feeling, when you try you try you try, but you just cant get there. Because you were born perfect, and I was born like this. 」

所以 當想要放棄的時候
Try harder. Because Sam did. And he succeed.❤
