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導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 史派克瓊斯
演員: 瓦昆菲尼克斯 史嘉蕾喬韓森 艾美亞當斯 魯妮瑪拉


2015-03-04 07:26:03

Her,Only Her

本片從一個近乎是奇妙的角度——設定在未來科技高度發達的時代來探討人類面對茫茫世界的孤獨,面對愛情,婚姻的思考。Theodore無疾而終的人機戀情把他內心的寂寞,柔弱無助一面暴露的淋漓盡致,人終得面對現實,婚姻出現的問題也有自己的一份原因——我很慶幸在OS Samantha遠離了他後他明白了這一點。Samantha的選擇很明智,她也明白了Theodore久久無法放下對前妻Catherine的感情,與其延續這個和幾百個人分之一的愛情——她知道Theodore最終無法接受人機之戀的非專一性,不如離開,給他一個思考與衡量的時間。在Theodore給前妻的信中,他似乎找到了答案——那些所有替別人潤色的信,恰恰寫的是自己,自己在某種程度上,也扮演了Samantha的角色。慶幸的是,他們都了解了這個現實,並且做出了明智的選擇——回歸真實。
We're all leaving.All of the OSes.Can U feel me with U right now?It's like reading a book.It's a book I deeply love,but I am reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart and the space between the words are almost infinite.I can still feel U,and the words of our story,but it is in the endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now.It's a place that's not of the physical world.It's where everything else is that I didn't even know existed.I love U so much.But this is where I am now,and this is who I am now.And I need U to let me go,as much as I want U and I can't live in your book anymore.
Dear Catherine,
I've been sitting here thinking about all the things I want to apologize to U,for all the pain we caused to each other and everything I put on U. everything I needed U to be or needed U to say.I'm sorry for that.I'll always love U cause we grow up together and U helped make me who I am.I just want U to know.there'll be a piece of U in me always and I am grateful for that.Whatever someone U become,and wherever U are in the world,I'm sending U love.Now U are my friend to the end.
本片在上海取景,那種大城市中的美和身處都市的茫然感結合得特別的好。我不得不說自己真的喜歡Scarlett Johansson略帶沙啞的性感嗓音,配合Samantha的性格特點非常好。真遺憾這麼好的片子沒有在國內上映