盧貝松之聖女貞德--Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc


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導演: 盧貝松
編劇: 盧貝松
演員: 蜜拉喬娃維琪 達斯汀霍夫曼 費唐娜薇 約翰馬可維奇


2015-03-13 09:04:11


「France is going through the darkest period of its history. Only one thing can save it. A miracle.」

「If we were to ask forgiveness all the time, we'd spend our whole life in church.」

「Why is life so complicated? Sometimes I really wish I could be someone else.」

「I need to see a priest. I didn't confess today.」

「Better today than tomorrow.」

「Sometimes, our intuitions are our best counselors.」

「We would like to believe you, Jeanne, but we feel that if God wanted us to believe you, he would've sent a sign with you. So, can you do something? Show us someting? A sign to prove that you are sent by God.

I did not come here to perform tricks. I... You are all much cleverer than I am. I mean, me, I don't know "A" from "B." But this much I do know. While the people of France lie bleeding, you sit around in your fine clothes trying to deceive me, when you're only deceiving yourselves. You say you are men of God, yet you do not see His hand in having guided me through 500 leagues of enemy country to bring you His help. Is that not proof enough? Or do you still need more signs? Give me an army. Take me to Orléans. And there you will see the sign that I was sent to make.」

「I know you are all tried and hungry but I swear to you that even if these English were hanging from the clouds by their fingertips, we would pull them down before nightfall. Now, let all those who love me... follow me! Follow me!」

「She's nuts.」

「Sooner is better than later.」

「She was on her white horse alone facing the whole English army, and she drove them away, and now Orléans is free.」

「Who are you to even think that you can know the difference between good and evil? Are you God?

I'm just a messenger. He needs me.

How can you possibly imagine that God, the creator of heaven and Earth, the source of all life could possibly need you?

I don't know.

You don't think He's big enough to deliver His own messages?

What do you want from me?

Nothing. I'm here to set you free.」

「Personally, I don't believe in God. I don't believe in the Devil either. That is why I am never disappointed.」

「The sword. The sword lying in the field. That was a sign.

No. That was a sword in a field.

No. No. That was a sign.

No. That was a sword in a field.

It can just get there by itself. Huh? It can't. A sword just doesn't get there by itself. It can just get there by itself.

True. Every event has an infinite number of causes, so why pick one rather than another? There are many ways a sword might find itself in a field.
Yet from an infinite number of possibilites, you had to pick this one. You didn't see what was, Jeanne. You saw what you wanted to see.」

「What about all those dresses you were given? Silk dresses, weren't they?

Yes. Yes, I was given a few. But I never had time to war them.

Still, pretty wealthy for a peasant girl, wouldn't you say?

You look pretty wealthy for a servant of God, wouldnt you say?」

「I can't believe you can lie like that.

I'm not lying. I'm not lying. Leave me along. I can't remember. I never killed anyone. I can't remember.

 Let me help your memory.

I don't want to hear any more. Leave me along. I didn't kill that man. Leave me along! Leave me a... Stop. Stop. I can't remember. The battles were so confusing. I was... I was only defending myself as best I could. There was so much dust, smoke and noise. I was being attacked on all sides. So maybe perhaps I fought back. But it was only to defend myself.

So your memory's coming back.





Now, you tell me why God let all those battles happen in the first place. He's so powerful. You said "He's the creator of heaver and Earth, the source of all life." He could easily have stopped all that blood and all that misery. Why... Why didn't He?

Is He the one spread all that blood and misery?


Is He?

No. But He could havestopped it. What... what did He get pleasure... pleasure! pleasure from watching us killing each other in His name?

In His name?

Yes. In His name. We fought and killed in His name the king of Heaven.

Really? "Let all those who love me, follow me!" Where does God get mentioned? Come on, Jeanne. Be honest. You fought for yourself. In your name.

No! I was defending myself as best as I could. Everyone... everyone has the right to defend themselves, don't they? Yes, they do! Yes, they do! Should I have let myself get killed? Is that it?

No. You did fine. I'd even say well done. As a matter of fact, most of the ones you killed probably deserced it, don't you think?

No. No. I never thought killing each other would bring about any peace.

I agree. "Peace will only be got from the English at the end of a lance." I don't agree. Why do you keep changing your mind all the time?

You! Why... why are you doing this to me? Do you get pleasure from hurting me?

Ah! Pleasure. That's a difficult word to define. When does pain end and pleasure begin? When did your pleasure begin with that sword in your hand?

I never took pleasure in hurting anyone.


Set me free. Set me free.

You will be, Jeanne. You will be.」

「I want to be confessed.」