再造奇蹟--The Magic of Belle Isle


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導演: 羅伯萊納
編劇: Guy Thomas (Ⅰ) 安德魯謝恩曼
演員: 摩根佛里曼 薇吉妮亞麥德森 瑪德琳卡羅


2015-03-23 05:05:04

Can you answer these questions?

1. What person or situation has caused my life to change?
2. How has kindness/compassion changed my life?
3. How have I handled the departure of important people in my life?
4. How did people become important in my life, and did I choose that or did it naturally happen?
5. How can I create more "real moments" in my life?
6. What shut me down? What opened me up?
7. What things connect me with others?
8. How does shared creativity affect my relationships?
9. In what ways have I been or needed a "support person"?
10. What life have I chosen? What life has been thrust upon me?