

6.8 / 63,520人    99分鐘 | USA:104分鐘

導演: 李察林克雷特
編劇: 李察林克雷特
演員: 馬修麥康納 傑克布萊克 莎莉麥克琳

瑪莉 Akimoto

2015-04-06 07:29:22




Having seen the film, Austin Attorney, Jodi Cole, met with director, Richard Linklater, for further information. After meeting with Tiede himself in prison she began work on a habeas corpus petition in his case, raising issues not addressed in his previous direct appeal. [21] Tiede was released from his life sentence on $10,000 bail in May 2014 with the condition that he live with Linklater in Austin, 德州.[22] Nugent's granddaughter expressed shock that the release was granted, specifically citing the influence of the film's depiction of Tiede.[23]

On January 2, 2015, an Austin, 德州 news channel reported that the district attorney agreed to release Bernie Tiede and is not ruling out a future prosecution. Panola County prosecutor Danny Buck Davidson said that he met with the family of Marjorie Nugent and that the film led to successful efforts to have Tiede released early from a life sentence. Out on bond, Tiede is due back in court March 2015. Davidson eventually agreed that Tiede was wrongly sentenced for first-degree murder when he deserved a lesser sentence.

而在今年Danny Buck Davidson本人也承認當年指控伯尼一級謀殺是個錯誤,伯尼應該得到減刑。未來這個案子有可能重審……