金牌特務--Kingsman: The Secret Service

王牌特工:特工学院/ 皇家特工:间谍密令(港) / 金牌特务(台) / 金牌特工 / 特勤局 / 王的男人之秘密服务(豆友译名) / The Secret Service

7.7 / 719,643人    129分鐘

導演: 馬修范恩
編劇: 珍古德曼 馬修范恩
演員: 柯林佛斯 泰隆艾格頓 山繆傑克森


2015-04-27 22:26:32

A dude living in the gentlemen's world and a gentleman living in this mad world

Not a lot of people have noticed this, but I think it's quite interesting that the tone of the movie just changed dramatically after the scene at church, at where Harry, the exemplary gentleman, slaughtered the whole church.

Before that scene, things can be summarized into one word: classic. In the The Grand Budapest Hotel, we witnessed both the charisma and the vulnerability of western upper class culture. In the Kingsman, the charisma remains whereas the vulnerability is kicked out by those Kingsmen's superior ability in fighting and shooting, well, with elegance. And our "mentor" Harry also redefined 「gentlemen」 in a very liberal and up-to-date manner: "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." (I almost hoped I had a note book when I was in the theater so that I could write it down). Also, we see other elements of the upper-class civilization as well: the Princess was very stubborn and old-fashioned, but won't compromise even a little bit to Valentine's crazy idea.

Then comes to the church scene. It reminded me of some group suicide events caused by cult in US. I would consider the scene as a sarcasm on people's superficial, shallow, yet maniac "religious" belief (quotation mark because whether it's religious is debatable). Valentine was partially right by saying that "those people killed themselves". However, the twist here is that Harry, our exemplary gentlemen, was also gone crazy here. Of course you can say it's because of Valentine's sim card, but I would like to think further because there are a lot of things going on here. No matter what the reason is, a true gentleman was turned into a killing machine. The director generously let Harry die (with a possibility of remaining alive and showing up again if they deicide to do Kingsman 2) without giving him ample time to feel the shame and agony. It's such a humiliation.

Yea you gentleman got the power to fight, so what? Gun man can easily kill a gentlemen when they had no power, just like in The Grand Budapest Hotel. However, even if the gentleman, the civilized man, finally got his weapon, he can still be killed mentally by this maniac world. And it all started from a FREE sim card.

Like I said, the tone of the movie after the church scene just went to the opposite direction. People in the world went crazy and fought against each other, mother wanted to kill her baby, head of hypocrites exploded, and the Princess let Eggsy "do it in the ass". This is not a gentlemen movie, and this world is not gentlemen's world. Forget the illusion, this is truly the world we are living in.