托斯卡尼艷陽下--Under the Tuscan Sun


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導演: 奧黛莉威爾斯
編劇: Frances Mayes 奧黛莉威爾斯
演員: 黛安蓮恩 雷歐波瓦 吳珊卓


2015-05-02 03:02:39

Under the Tuscan Sun

They built the train track over the Alps between Vienna and Venice before there was a train that could make the trip, they bulit ti anyway, they knew one day the train would come, any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere, I would be different.
 -----Frances Mayes

A divorced woman writer, with a broken heart, set off for Tuscan.Bought an old house, wishing the new surroundings can relieve her from the past.
Breathtaking landscape, spectacular chapels, aquamarine seawater, vibrant towns, radiant sunshine of the mediterranean. And an Italian man, a new lovestory, and ended up with tears and pain, again.
But it is just a matter of waiting. The right person dose appear in your life, as long as you believe.
Sometimes alone but not lonely. Appreciate what life goes through, good or bad. Appreciate good things, whether yours or others'. Life can be a lyric, in its graceful tempo.
'They built the train tracks over the Alps between Vienna and Venice, before there was a train that could make the trip. they built it anyway, they knew one day the train would come.'
Good things can happen, even late in the game, it is such a suprise.

PS:My favourite plot that Francesca wrote a postcard for someone while eating grapes.
And the contents of it are as follows:

Dear Mom,
It's market day in Cortona.
The piazza is an ongoing party, and everyone is invited.
Clichés converge at this navel of the world.
You almost want to laugh, but you can't help feeling
these Italians know more about having fun than we do.
I eat a hot grape from the market,
and the violet sweetness breaks open in my mouth.
It even smells purple.
I wish I could stay longer, but the bell reminds me of time.
"Ding-dang-dong," the bell says, instead of "ding-dong."
I wish you were here.
                                                                                                                                            Love Rodney