更好的明天--A Better Life [US]


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導演: 克里斯魏茲
編劇: 艾力克伊森
演員: 德米安畢齊 Nancy Lenehan Isabella Rae Thomas 喬昆柯西諾 提姆格里芬


2015-05-19 01:38:22


    you ask me
    you ask me why I had you
    you know,back in the village
    you just did what any man would do
    you find a novia,got married
    and then you headed north
    and that's what I did,cause I didn't know any different
    so we came here
    and then
    we had you
    because your mom and I loved each other very much
    but then,people change
    and things were different here
    your mom changed
    she wanted more than I could give her
    so,she went away
    and I was left alone with you
    I didn't know how I was going ti manage
    with a small boy,with no money and no regular job
    I had a lot of anger inside me
    but the thing
    the one thing
    that helped me get over all that
    was you
    to be able to take care of you
    and watch you grow
    bacause I love you
    you are the most important thing in this world to me
    I wanted you to be able to be anything you wanted to be
    that would make me feel worthy
    If you became somebody
    that's why I had you
    for me
    for a reason to live