十二公民--12 Citizens


7 / 973人    108分鐘

導演: 徐昂
演員: 何冰 韓童生 李光復 趙春羊 王剛


2015-05-21 19:26:39

totally a relief

        The idea to watch this movie just popped into our mind after we happened to see a cheaper ticket and a fairly high rate.

       12 parents talked about a crime like a jury. When almost everyone in the jury strongly believed that it is the princeling who murdered his birth father, the main character stood out and checked the details of the suspension with critical thinking and scientific knowledge.
     There are almost no other set pieces except for one rustic room. I quite admire the director's talent to make the carrying on of the tense and fierce debate accord with the humid and sizzling weather outside through implications. The social role and status of everyone is perfectly told by their way of speaking and other details,which is quite intriguing and thought provoking.

     This movie sheds some lights on the Chinese society and human's stereotypes we are likely to have when we involve prejudice and bias in their comments on the suspect.
