冰與火之歌:權力遊戲 第五季--Game of Thrones: Season 5


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2015-06-16 07:02:59


Considering episode 9 I was expecting much more from the season finale unfortunately there's only two words that can describe this last episode BIG DISAPPOINTMENT.
Jon's death is the final nail in this pointless exercise in nihilism. Are you seriously telling me that all the time spent with Jon, and all the build up and mystery, means nothing when we have two more seasons to go? It just seems like an utter and pointless waste of story potential, just for the sake of shock value and that overused word "realism". Just put a laugh track behind all the death and mayhem on this show and it would make much more sense. It's a comedy, that's what it is - a really dark comedy, where the punchline is, "you have a favorite character? Then think again!" ha ha ha ha ha. It's not clever writing to continually hurt the audience in such a blunt way. Anyone can write a story where there is a cute puppy, who you spend time with and get to love, and then randomly kill in a brutal way - of course it's going to get an emotional response from the viewer. It's cheap and lazy shock tactics, nothing clever like some people think it is. His death is the rotten cherry on top of a season that had one goal in mind = make the audience miserable!!
What's worse is that his death seems to hold no purpose, unlike that of Ned's and the RW. What does it achieve apart from shocking the audience once again? We lose perhaps the last heroic main character, and the primary focal point at the Wall. It'll drive the wilding’s and the NW even further apart. Jon's parentage and Mel and the Night King's interest in him was basically one giant fuck you red herring. It makes Jon's story feel like a half finished book, whereas Ned's and Rob's deaths, tragic as they were, made sense in a weird way.
I really want to believe Jon will be back, but this show is determined to squash every shred of hope there is, that part of me doesn't want to, so I don't get continually drawn into the constant circle of pain - like heroin addiction. If he does then I will of course be back, but if not then this is it for me. I truly do not care about what happens next .I just don't see how this whole story can possibly have a satisfying ending without Jon.   舉報