玩命關頭7--Furious 7


7.1 / 420,561人    137分鐘 | 140分鐘 (extended cut)

導演: 溫子仁
編劇: 克里斯摩根 蓋瑞史考特湯普森
演員: 傑森史塔森 馮迪索 巨石強森


2015-07-05 07:34:58

Vin Diesel

Special effect is amazing,especially when Paul Walker almost fell into the cliff, but I didn't understand why the director set the scence that they drove car from the plane, they could have been transparented these car with plane, the ending didn't touch me, but I can see the friendship between Don and Brain is beyond all the things, the appearence of Jason Stamtham really suprized me, and I like Vin DiSEL, he is cool and really a tough guy.