史崔特先生的故事--The Straight Story


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導演: 大衛‧林區
編劇: John Roach (Ⅱ) Mary Sweeney
演員: Richard Farnsworth 西西史派克 Everett McGill John Farley


2015-08-07 00:05:16

peaceful mind

When people drive the advanced vehicle past him, what arise in his mind? At my age, I am in a hurry, I don』t know why. Years ago, I think I can recognize the inelegant life of hasty, however when I grow old and take some responsibility, I lose the calmness and peaceful mind.

There are 7 part in the film
1.A girl runaway from home. -- a story about his daughter Rose. People thought she is incapable to look after her children.

2. Young bicycle boys.
--must be something good about getting old.
--Well, I can』t imagine anything good about being blind and lame at the same time, but still at my age, I have seen about all that life has to dish out . I know to separate the wheat from the chaff and let the small stuff fall away.
-- what’s the worst part of being old, Alvin?
-- the worst part of being old is remembering when you was young.

3.A lady knock into a deer. A lady with restless impatient and nervous heart. She is like me. The most interesting thing is that he should eat it, the dead deer. When he set out, the antler was stuck on the trailing box. That moment is so interesting.

4.When he drive downhill, the brake broken. Some unexpected but inevitable things happened in life. unexpected warmness show up.

5.-- Everyone trying to forget. I can see it in a man right away.
 He remember his comrade in arms. Guilty accompany him all these years.

6.There is one scene, where he is close to his brother, the music played by cello fade in and approach climax when his vehicle got stuck. The throbbed emotion delivered silently and naturally.

7.When he finally reach his brother Lyle, there are few words between them. To the film, the story mainly happened on the road. To the life, everything is on the road. Why so hurry, slow down and cherish the people around us.


《一百歲感言》 楊絳


       我得洗淨這一百年沾染的污穢回家。 我沒有「登泰山而小天下」之感,只在自己的小天地裡過平靜的生活。細想至此,我心靜如水,我該平和地迎接每一天,準備回家。

       在這物慾橫流的人世間,人生一世實在是夠苦。你存心做一個與世無爭的老實人吧,人家就利用你欺侮你。你稍有才德品貌,人家就嫉妒你排擠你。 你大度退讓,人家就侵犯你損害你。你要不與人爭,就得與世無求,同時還要維持實力準備鬥爭。你要和別人和平共處,就先得和他們周旋,還得準備隨時吃虧。




