

2015-08-26 11:05:53



當Mathias找到照片的一刻開始,電影慢慢將鏡頭的重心轉到Mathild夫人身上,Mathias與Mathild夫人的幾段對手戲都非常經典,沒有歇斯底裡的發洩,只有深切的悲傷,壓抑的痛苦,Mathild夫人說Mathias的名字是根據自己的名字起的時候,那種甜蜜和後面發現Mathias的母親去世時的痛苦多麼矛盾,Mathild夫人一生都在愛Mathias的父親,在她眼裡,這個人是帶著光輝的,她沒有意識或者說不願意去面對她間接對Mathias的傷害對Mathias母親的傷害,但她一直內疚,她以愛為榮,她以愛為恥,於是有了對愛情的放縱和對家庭的妥協,她勇敢去愛,她為愛妥協,當她知道Mathias曾經自殺,她觸動很大,當她知道Mathias的母親是自殺的,她情緒崩潰了……經歷過那麼多的她,懂得愛的慈悲,她對Mathias和自己女兒之間的感情,明知他們有可能是兄妹她說:「I don』t think the world will come to end because of that. I see nothing catastrophic in the two of you comforting each other. No virtue in two of you being lonely.」 對這段話仁者見仁智者見智。Mathild夫人不相信他們是兄妹。關於亂倫說的那就是放屁。可惜還是不少衛道士將狹隘的目光放在這個上面。故事將要步入Mathild夫人女兒的道德說與負面情緒爆發的前夕時,一聲槍響,就如春天的驚雷一樣,打碎所有負面情緒,然後春雨滋潤大地,萬物復甦,電影到了末尾,甩開傷痛。
最後,時光已逝,只爭朝夕,「I』m not beautiful. I』m nearly old.」正是如此,不再在過去傷痛沉溺,走向陽光,就算已經不再年輕,還不晚不是嗎?
「My name is Mathias Gold. When I used to have friends, they called me Jim, and I would answer. I grew up on Park Avenue in 紐約 City. My parents were wealthy. I was born with a silver knife in my back. Anytime anyone follows their heart, someone else gets their heart broken. There’s always detritus, always hurt, always pain. Love is a limited substance. When you give love to someone new, you have to take it away from someone old. My father took every ounce of love he had and dumped it in Paris. People like us think we've been cursed by God, but, in fact, we've been cursed by our parents. You look in the mirror, and you see an adult. But you have to look more carefully. There's a big piece of you that never grew up. It may have grown tall, but not up. You spend your life waiting for your parents to come back and make it all right. But they don't come back. It's not all right. You have to somehow move past them. You have to somehow convince yourself that you don't need those people, because you don't.」
