肌膚之侵--Under the Skin


6.3 / 159,326人    108分鐘

導演: 強納森葛雷瑟
編劇: 強納森葛雷瑟
演員: 史嘉蕾喬韓森 保羅布萊尼根 克里斯多夫海德


2015-08-29 13:16:35


「The men lured into the van by Scarlett Johansson's character were not actors. Jonathan Glazer had hidden cameras installed in the van and only informed the men afterwards that they were in a movie.」

(One theory suggests that The Female is actually a Selkie instead of an alien. Selkies are mythological creatures found in Scottish, Irish, and Icelandic folk lore. Selkies are said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. Selkies are described as being very beautiful in their human form, and as having great seductive powers.)

『『At the end of the film, we now understand why Laura’s predecessor was crying. She had come to appreciate the humanity in the creatures that Laura will soon be harvesting. Tragically, Laura, who undergoes the same transformation, meets a premature end at the hands of an inhuman human. 』by awsmith 』
