歌舞青春:中國--High School Musical: China


4.3 / 122人    94分鐘

導演: 陳士爭
編劇: 李琳 戴睿
演員: 張峻寧 馬梓涵 袁成傑 顧璇


2015-10-07 02:43:21

Disney High School Musical: China

Disney's attempt at recreating high school musical in China. The film simply proves that the same formula does not work in every continent. While China desperately needs a good musical film, the answer is not a direct rip-off. The story and setting and personalities simply does not resonate with the youth of China. It does not have a clear target audience. The film does have some good song choices, but it is simply not enough to carry the film.   舉報