無主之地--Cartel Land


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導演: Matthew Heineman


2015-10-26 17:09:57


Filmmaker: What camera did you shoot on? Why did you choose the camera that you did? What lenses did you use?

Heineman: We mainly shot Cartel Land with the Canon C300. The camera was dropped, smashed, hit by guns, in dust storms, pelted by torrential rain and it never, ever failed. Given the situations we were in, I kept the camera very small: body, lens, Schoep’s CMIT 5 Shotgun Microphone, and a Diety Miera viewfinder (which was a must given the bright sunshine we were constantly shooting in).

然後接下來他就介紹了自己其他使用的設備,分別是Schoeps' CMIT 5 話筒, Diety Miera 取景器。

For 98% of the film, we used two lenses: the Canon EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 and Canon 24-105mm f4. We also traveled with the Canon 70-200mm f2.8 and 2x extender for b-roll. For some specialty shots, we used the Canon 7D (timelapse and car mounting), the Canon 1DC (drone), and the Astroscope adapter for night vision.

百分之98的電影他都是使用了 佳能17-55 2.8鏡頭 和 佳能24-105 f4的鏡頭。 同時他們用70-200 f2,8和 2X增焦距鏡 做幕後花絮時。一些特殊的拍攝,使用了佳能7D(定格拍攝和裝配在車上時),佳能1DC作為航拍機設備,還有Astroscope的夜視轉接鏡頭。

因為這段採訪並不短,但對於紀錄片愛好者和工作者非常有幫助。   舉報