

7.2 / 195,589人    122分鐘

導演: 約翰法蘭克海默
編劇: J.D. Zeik J.D. Zeik
演員: 勞勃狄尼洛 尚雷諾 娜塔莎麥克洪 史戴倫史柯斯嘉


2015-11-22 06:34:14


I don't walk into a place where i dont know how to walk out.

Reviewing the problem
Either you are part of the problem, part of the solution or you are just part of the landscape.

The only thing is the map, the map is not the territory.
We』ve got the report.-if I take the report, I got nothing else
I can go and see I myself.

汽車專家的smoking bad for night vision 乃至最後的大意浮躁,美女特工被吻了一下就坐到人大腿上來……

I don't walk into a place where i dont know how to walk out.
I』m just getting a vague notion of the opposition.
I ambush you with a cup of coffee.

Reviewing the problem
Either you are part of the problem, part of the solution or you are just part of the landscape.

It’s a good plan, let’s stick to the plan.
Everybody wants to go to the party. Nobody wants to stay and clean up.

Let’s find out
The only thing is the map, the map is not the territory.
We』ve got the report.-if I take the report, I got nothing else
I can go and see I myself.

Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.

Always a waiting game
All good things come to those who wait.

No Shaky attitude.
Good reflexes die hard.
I should』ve made your strip.

Lesson 1
Under the bridge, by the river, how did you know it was an ambush?
Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt.

Lesson 2
I don』t remember. (about Confidentiality)
No questions, no answers. That’s the business we』re in.
You accept it and move on.

-Grasshopper: two part gin, two part brandy, one part cre de menthe…
-Nobody can hold out indefinitely.
-Wht do u want for X'mas? My two front teeth
-Everyone’s your brother until the rent comes due.
最狠最酷的就是那句if you don』t mind, I』ll pass out.
所以做人要選那條the hard way.

-end of note/comment-