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導演: 吉姆‧亞伯拉罕 大衛‧索克
編劇: 吉姆‧亞伯拉罕 大衛‧索克
演員: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Lloyd Bridges Peter Graves


2015-11-22 17:21:16




1) 曲解(誤解)詞的字面意思Take the word/words literally
a. 「Don』t worry, they have the (pilot) instrument」– 下一幕就是 the four playing (musical) instrument in the cockpit
b. 「Do you want (the seat) smoking or non-smoking? – Smoking. She then handed to him a hot and smoking ticket
c. 「Turn on the auto pilot mode」 – a human figure-like airbag got inflated and took over as the pilot, and his name is Otto
d. 「What would you like to read?」 – 「Something light?」 – 「What about this leaflet about Jewish sport stars? (此處還有嘲諷)
e. 「Please be in crash position」 (i.e., 「brace for impact」) – 於是乘客呈現出各種 post-crash scenes
f. 「… Roger」 – (The guy by the name Roger) 「Ugh?」; 「… over」 – (The guy by the name Oveur) 「Ugh?」
g. 「I cannot fly a four-engine commercial flight, I』ve only flew single-engine military flights. They are different things, altogether」 – 兩個 stewardesses 異口同聲(all together) 「I cannot fly a four-engine commercial flight, I』ve only flew single-engine military flights. They are different things」
h. 「…surely」 – 「…and, don』t call me Shirley again」
i. 「Would you like to make a donation (to the church of religious consciousness)?」 – 「No, we gave it at the office」
j. 「Captain Oveur, I』ve got a message for you from the Mayo clinic …Captain, I』ve got Mr. Hamm on the line」 – 「OK, give me Hamm on five, hold the Mayo」

2) 雞同鴨講?
a. 「We need to get her to a hospital」 – 「A hospital? What is that (with reference to her condition)?」 – 「It’s a building full of patients」
b. 「How soon can we land?」 – 「I don』t know」 – 「Well, can』t you take an educated guess?」 – 「Maybe in another two hours?」 – 「You can』t take a guess in another two hours?」
c. 「What do you make of it (a printout of weather report)? –「Me? I can make a hat, a borsch, a ___」

3) 大腦缺席?
a. 機場工作人員在指揮飛機 pulling in 的時候,用閃光棒指了一下另一個方向,以回答同事問的「Where is…」,然後,飛機就真的沿那個方向 pulled in,進到候車廳了

4) 神轉折
a. 脫線的工作人員緩緩扒開機長老婆爆乳睡衣外面的袍子 – 「Oh, that’s a terribly piece of clothes, ugh…」然後一臉嫌棄的走了
b. 「Would you put all your metal belongings on this plate?」 – 男士掏出了鑰匙,和金屬義肢義腿

5) 溝通障礙
a. 酒吧里老大爺跳舞的時候後腰被捅了一刀,痛苦的想要示意女主幫他,結果女主以為是新舞步,跟著跳很 high – 最後大爺自然是折騰死了 (話說這種舞叫什麼?)
b. 空姐小清新的彈唱突然出大招把小姑娘的輸液管拔出來了,小姑娘各種痛苦的示意她媽,結果她媽沉醉在音樂中,以為小姑娘只是忍不住跟著搖擺 – 小姑娘好顏藝啊!

6) 簡單粗暴的具象化表現
a. Israel airlines: 長穆斯林大鬍子的飛機
b. 「We』ve got a little situation, it’s a little hot」 – It was a button 「a little hot」 flashing red
c. 「If … then shit hits the fan」 – 下一幕機場的 control tower 里天外一朵 shit擊中了台式風扇
d. 「』I』ve got a very healthy heart ready for the surgery」 – 下一秒盤子裡那顆心臟就開始瘋狂的彈跳,強行入境
e. 機場報亭直接有一欄叫 Whacking Material (i.e., porno literature with no other purpose than to be used in assisting masturbation),然後機長拿起來的那本雜誌叫 Modern Sperm…sperm…

7) 就是這麼任性?
a. 廣播裡說「Captain Oveur, the white courtesy phone」 然後機長隨意的拿起了紅色的,話筒里傳來」 No, the white phone…」 – 明明都能說

8) 致敬其他經典?
a. Doctor 一邊撒謊飛機很正常,一邊鼻子越來越長

9) 衝突感
a. The boy reading 「Nun’s life」, the nun reading 「boy’s life」
b. 小(白)男孩輕車熟路的勾搭妹子 – 「I just happen to pass by, and thought you might want to have some coffee? Do you want some cream?」,妹子 – 「No, I like it black – just like my man」

10) Exaggeration
a. 「You』ll probably be bored by now (by my story)」 – She killed herself
b. Pilot’s wife got woke up during sleep by the phone: 「we know you must be really worried about your husband…」 然後大娘迷糊著開了燈,彈幕吐槽說「賭五毛她旁邊睡了一個男人」 – 鏡頭一掃,旁邊…是一匹馬… -- 彈幕中飄過「家裡養了一匹野馬,頭上長了一片草原」
c. 「I』ll be back in a minute」 – 計程車司機摁下打表器,然後買了一張機票走了,走了,中途鏡頭切回計程車的時候,meter已經跑到1萬多刀了

11) Another sort of exaggeration: 重複,排比
a. 男主強行回憶殺導致:老太太上吊了,皇軍切腹了,穆斯林選擇汽油自焚
b. 公共場合以宗教、慈善名義要求捐款:自我覺醒會(」We』d like you to accept this little flower from the church of religious consciousness, would you like to make a donation?」),科學教(scientology),佛教(Buddhism)等等,之後 Genera Kramer趕路的過程中把他們集中的暴打了一頓
c. 有一個女乘客 知道飛機出狀況後非常 panic,乘務員瘋狂的搖她「you』ll have to hold yourself together」;熱心乘客「I』ll take care of her for you」然後瘋狂的搖她「you』ll have to hold yourself together」然後啪扇了一耳光;下一個熱心乘客重複這一系列動作;鏡頭一掃,熱心乘客們已經排起了長隊
d. 在2中,以上情節換成了一個 geeky 的妹子說 「I』m probably sounding forward to you, but I』m gonna say it anyway. I don』t think we will pull this through, but I』ve never been with a man before…「 下一秒旁邊的男子選擇了 light out,然後此處省略三百字;然後妹子開始對著另一個男人重複以上自白,然後劇情重複;然後熱心的乘客們排起了長隊;然後排在最後的是 – 一隻驢;然後妹子抽了一根事後煙……

12) 官方吐槽?
a. 「Get back to your seat」 指示燈亮起– 大家無視指示燈 – 「like we said, get back to your seat」

13) 睜眼說瞎話?
a. 老奶奶看了一眼女主之後,淡定的說」____ breasts (忘了具體用詞,總之是讚嘆大胸)」 – 明明女主是超級飛機場

14) 偷梁換柱?
a. 飛機Overhead luggage compartment跟火車的一樣,沒有蓋兒;小情侶分別的時候妹子依依不捨的跟追火車一樣的追著飛機跑 – 自然此時(taxiing)飛機的艙門也是敞著的;「I need some air」 – 開窗下一秒大家都被吹凌亂了

15) 自帶背景音
a. 扔帽子、外套 – 「Xiu~」
b. Alpha base on Mars 自動開關門(2) – 人工配音 「Sxu~」

16) 英語連讀
a. Striker (2) – Strike her

17) 瘋狂搶鏡的背景、旁白
a. 機場旁白:「The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only, there is no stopping at the red zone」 – 「The red lane is for loading and unloading passengers only…」 – 「No, the white lane is for loading and unloading…」 – 」You were only saying that because you want me to go get an abortion」
b. 兩個似乎由男人假扮的 Girl’s scout 成員在酒吧一言不合廝殺進來,從男主走進酒吧,到男主成功勾搭到女主,一直在背景中廝殺

18) Others
a. 不確定黑人到底說的是不同的語言,還是惡搞黑人英語
