全面逃殺--The Gunman


5.8 / 34,483人    115分鐘

導演: 皮耶莫瑞爾
編劇: 唐麥可佛森 尚派崔克曼切特
演員: 西恩潘 哈維爾巴登 潔絲敏婷卡


2015-12-05 00:57:45

Personal Critics-UKeham


-Personal Critics-UKeham
-Personal rates:B/IMDb:5.8/豆瓣: 5.9
-Brief:男主受僱於美國某礦業公司暗殺了反對外國礦業公司的非洲剛果礦業和資源部長,在他成功躲藏8年後突然開始被人追殺,最後才發現追殺者實則為其原公司,目的是擺脫掉當年不堪歷史,好在男主留有證據。故事情節連貫,圓滿結局,外加影帝西恩潘一改往日風格學習連姆大叔演起動作電影中的硬漢形象,片子整體感覺還可以。 A killer hired by an American mining company assassinated the minister of mines and nature resources of Congo. Later he becomes to be a target after eight years hiding and eventually finds out the true connected to be his last company which intents to get rid of ugly past leading to him. The good news is he still holds the evidence. Smooth plot and good ending. This time Sean Penn plays a complete different role from past and becomes to be a tough guy like Liam Neeson in this action movie.
