約翰葛里遜之造雨人--The Rainmaker


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製片: 麥克道格拉斯 導演: 法蘭西斯柯波拉
編劇: 約翰葛李森 法蘭西斯柯波拉
演員: 麥特戴蒙 丹尼狄維托 強沃特


2015-12-18 23:29:19



1.In my first year,he got drunk one day,and fell of a ladder,manufactured by the company
he worked for,and he didn't know who to sue first.

2.you draw $1,000 a month,and you get to keep 1/3 of all the fees that you generate.Now, if you can't cover your draw,at the end of each month,you owe me the balance.

3.What's the difference between a hooker and a lawyer?A hooker will stop screwing you after you're dead.什麼又是一個妓女和一個律師的區別呢?一個妓女會在你死後停止勒索你

4.I know what's going on,the second I lay eyes on them.Like I'm 10 years old,my father crying
in the bedroom,my mother sitting at the kitchen table with blood all over her face telling me
that Daddy's sorry,and he's never gonna do it again.

5.the law was a noble thing 法律是很清高的事

6.In fact, I'm so hot after this case,there's no place for me to go but down.Every client I ever have will expect this...The same magic, nothing less.And I could probably give it to them,if it didn't matter how I did it.And then one morning,I'd wake up and find that I'd become Leo Drummond.

7.Every lawyer,at least once in every case,feels himself crossing a line he doesn't really mean to cross.It just happens.And if you cross it enough times,it disappears forever.And then you're nothing but another lawyer joke,just another shark in the dirty water
