玻璃偵探--An Inspector Calls


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導演: Aisling Walsh
原著: J.B. Priestley
編劇: Helen Edmundson
演員: Sophie Rundle Lucy Chappell 米蘭達李察生 肯史托


2016-01-02 22:21:33



整部電影既像是「聯繫是普遍的」「善惡終有報」「因果循環」等話題的滿分範文,又像是一道證明題,回敬Arthur Birling對「community」的嗤之以鼻。70年高齡話劇至今仍葆活力,提醒眾人,心中的光明與人性的不堪的角力一直未停。

「Eva 史密斯 is gone. You can』t do her anymore harm, you can』t do her any good now, either. You can』t even say, 「I』m sorry, Eva 史密斯.」 But just remember this. There are millions and millions of Eva 史密斯 and John 史密斯s still left with us, with their lives and hopes and fears, their suffering and chances of happiness all intertwined with our lives, and what we think, and say, and do. We don』t live alone upon this earth. We are responsible for each other. And if mankind will not learn that lesson, then the time will come, soon, when he will be taught it in fire, and blood, and anguish. 」

