星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens


7.8 / 984,478人    135分鐘

導演: J.J.亞伯拉罕
編劇: 勞倫士卡斯丹 喬治盧卡斯
演員: 黛西蕾德莉 嘉莉費雪 馬克漢米爾 哈里遜福特


2016-01-11 01:20:08

The 4 Times


Tears flooded my eyes numerous times throughout the movie, but here are the major 4 tearjerkers for me.
#1: Simply the sight of Han Solo was enough to bring tears to my eyes, and one mention of "Luke" from him was all I needed to shed the first tear.
#2: The reunion between Han Solo and Princess Leia built my tears up, and then right after that, the reunion of Finn and the pilot helped me let them out.
#3: Adam Driver's apparent struggle in that shot of his face with those tearful eyes made me shed rather abrupt tears. Abrupt considering how unimpressed I always had been with the actor and his looks.
#4: The last single tear that streamed down my face did so after when that sacred lightsaber flew a beautiful line and landed right in the girl's hand.
