星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens


7.8 / 978,064人    135分鐘

導演: J.J.亞伯拉罕
編劇: 勞倫士卡斯丹 喬治盧卡斯
演員: 黛西蕾德莉 嘉莉費雪 馬克漢米爾 哈里遜福特


2016-01-11 07:48:57

Shame that the prediction was too easy


Went to a Reddit private screening all the way across Pudong, bizarre at first but then I really appreciate the quiet audience.
The film itself feels more like a modern fantasy, maybe it's the new visual tone, maybe it's the simple repetition of the old punchlines, maybe it's the film being the start of a new trilogy that made it very predictable and plain as a result.
