間諜橋 Bridge of Spies


7.6 / 327,548人    142分鐘

導演: 史蒂芬史匹柏
編劇: 馬特沙曼 伊森柯恩
演員: 馬克勞倫斯 Domenick Lombardozzi Victor Verhaeghe Mark Fichera


2016-01-12 23:40:17



I know this man. If the charge is true, he serves a foreign power but he serves it faithfully. If he is a soldier in the opposing army, he is a good soldier. He is not fled the field of battle to save himself. He has refused to serve his captor. He has refused to betray his cause. He has refused to take the coward' s way out. The caward must abandon his dignity before he abandons the field of battle. That Rudolf Abel will never do. Shouldn' t we, by giving him the full benefit of the rights that define our system of government, show this man who we are? Who we are. Is that not the greatest weapon we have in this Cold War? Will we stand by our cause less resolutely than he stands by his?