

2016-01-16 00:33:34

-Personal Critics - UKeham


-Personal Critics-UKeham
-Personal rates:B/IMDb:7.8/豆瓣: 7.2
-Brief:日本男鬼愛上大齡剩女Liza並殺死所有身邊愛慕她的男人,偵探男調查這些離奇死亡的死者過程中愛上Liza,兩人最終克服重重困境並用真愛打敗男鬼。故事情節新穎,匈牙利電影融入日本風,結合復古風,整體感覺還不錯,沒事可以看看。A Japanese ghost falls in love to Liza who is around 30s happened to be seeking for her love. Out of jealous the ghost killed all guys who are in pursuit of Liza. Meanwhile a detective also falls in love to Liza when he investigates these strange death cases connected to her. In the end they managed to overcome all difficulties set by the ghost and happily live together. A surprising and different Hungary movie with Japanese culture and vintage elements. Overall plot is good and enjoyable.
