白日夢冒險王--The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


7.3 / 346,214人    114分鐘

導演: 班史提勒
編劇: 史蒂夫康拉德 James Thurber
演員: 班史提勒 克莉絲汀薇格 莎莉麥克琳 亞當史考特


2016-01-21 07:47:40

The purpose of life——FIND YOURSELF

      Actually, I don』t come to just recommend the movie, but want to say something else.
  I have to say, though I don』t want to admit that I』m kinda daydreamer, always 「zoned out」 and craving live different but afraid to step out, 「life」 seems far away from the stage I live in——test prep, stay alone, trapped by mundane loop. If I don』t give a damn regard to consequences, I』d like to punch on that jerk boss/teacher as well, to tell the one I fell on that would you like to come with me to go away only we two, and even to do more crazy stuff. But to think specifically, the thing holding me back is not how bad we would be if we did, but we clearly know that that’s only daydream, the surge of hormone which could ebb out later as we finally go along the path of what we did before. But have you thought of life, or the other possibility of 「life」?
  What if fly to Greenland immediately, jump into the Arctic Ocean and strike back to frantic sharks who want to tear you down?

  What if boat to Iceland, skateboard along the highway and survive a narrow escape from volcanic eruption?

      What if climb to Himalaya and find the beautiful creatures you never see before without the distraction of camera?

  What if...What if all you crazy dreams come to real life?
  I mean, all that crazy things belong to silver screen as any sensible men/women know, but what if your dream, ranging from dropping this major class to travel to Taiwan right now, cast beams of life into your life?
  Just try it;-P

  Actually we are all brave man, as the Captain Tom the jerk boss employs to tease on 「zoned out」 華特 but to his surprise, Tom is a brave man, a big person. And it’s CHANGE, that we need to bear the most courage to do, to travel, to fight back, to fuck the freaking life, and most important, to find who I am. Beautiful scenes can pass away, so did people you love, but those are what shape you, the terrible, sorrowful past and also memorable, terrific time.
  So go to find yourself, to shape yourself in the journey, to redefine what the freaking life it is, to live without daydream but live in daydream.
  YOU will be surprised to find how wonderful you are and how excellent you can be, just to chin up and chest out, then step out of the old circle.