大家來我家--A Prairie Home Companion


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導演: 勞勃阿特曼
演員: 伍迪哈里遜 湯米李瓊斯 凱文克萊 琳賽蘿涵 薇吉妮亞麥德森 約翰萊里 梅莉史翠普


2016-01-23 04:09:38

You Don't Need To Know The Radio Show To Appreciate The Movie

No shocking twists, no passionate dramas, just endless conversations in the backstage of a live radio show that's lasted for 30 years. And of course, all those beautiful songs, the ones that wet your eyes and the ones that crack you up. All these presented to you as our everyday life happens, in an atmosphere of nostalgia, by one of the greatest directors ever, and by an almost impossible cast. Meryl Streep is simply amazing -- no wonder Rober Altman said she was "25% above anyone else". Even Lindsay Lohan's performance is quite decent.

For anyone that's interested in the radio show in real life, you can find more information here: