

7.3 / 83,473人    124分鐘

導演: 保羅索倫提諾
編劇: 保羅索倫提諾
演員: 米高肯恩 哈維凱托 瑞秋懷茲 保羅迪諾 艾德斯托帕德


2016-02-17 05:37:28


「Levity is an irresistible temptation. Levity is also a perversion.」

「You were right. Music is all I understand. Did you know why? Because you don't need words, only experience to understand it. It just is.」

「That no one in the world feels up to it, so there is no reason to worry.」

「Intellectuals had no taste.」

「In a good friendships you only tell each other the good things.

It took him eighty years to finally say something romantic and he goes and says that to the Queen's emissary.

Parents know when their children are pretending to be sleep.」

「I have to choose, I have to choose what is really worth telling: horror or desire? And I choose desire. You, each one of you, you open my eyes, you made me see that I should not be wasting my time on the senselessness of horror. I want to tell about your Desire, my Desire. So pure, so impossible, so immoral, but it doesn't matter because that's what makes us alive.」

「Most men done not only without the Testament but without anyone even noticing.

Most men aren't great artists like you are.

It doesn't make a difference! Men, artists, animals... plants! We're all just extras.」

「You say that emotions are overrated. But that's bullshit. Emotions are all we've got.」

「We only ever told each other... good things.」

「They must never know that you and I despite everything liked to think of ourselves as a simple song.」
