

2016-02-22 06:48:22


Lizzy和參演《神奇動物在哪裡》的英國演員Katherine Waterston(羅女郎?)在本片中奉獻了一場演技盛宴。影片觸及了關於家庭、愛情等多方面的話題,但看下來,我的初步印象更多的是「自我與友情關係」的角力上。影片給出的幾場男友尷尬到落荒而逃的女孩之間的對話,直戳女孩友情溫情外表之下九曲十八彎的內裡——退與進,鬆手與無法鬆手。像影片的劇情一下,友誼無法描述,卻可以是起伏不斷,乃至駭人驚悚的。


I just wanted to finally purge all of that from my life. I had already cut out so many worthless and negative people who brought me nothing but annoyance or distraction, so I figured why should she be any different?
I wish I could have relationships with some people who I can't, but once they become just ciphers or, you know, energy drains, or they become someone who distracts or depresses me, I have to have
nothing to do with them. I can't help it.
No, I can't. I've tried. I just hate them, and I hate being around them, and I hate talking to them. I love eliminating those enemies from every aspect of my life.

— Ginny (37』)



- I just don't really feel like I exist anymore. And the only two people that really cared about me abandoned me... In one form or another.
- I care about you.
- No, you don't.


- I know you've been going through a hard time, and I just wanted to apologize if I really wasn't there for you.
- Well, maybe someday you'll be going through this shit, and I won't be there for you, and then we'll be even.
- God, I hope so.

抑鬱為什麼存在呢?因為世界提供了環境,有人期盼著抑鬱之果的成熟,而後一口下肚。   舉報