

2016-02-28 21:09:28



情節很慢,大部份場景還是在昏暗的城堡里。而在壁爐的火光和窗外嗚咽的風,地板的咯出聲中,Jane 和Rochester兩個人的對望,直至心底,觀看者像能真真實實地把握住這座古老城堡的隱秘,和這個看似狂躁輕浮卻深情的男主人的脈搏。

Rochester: "Your glaze is direct, miss Eyre. Do u think me handsome?"
Jane: "NO, sir"
Rochester: "What fault do u find with me? I have all my limbs and features"
Jane: "I beg your pardon, sir. I ought to have replied that beauty is of little consequence."

「 You said I was a liar, but I am not. If I were, I will say I love you, but I don't. I dislike you worse than anybody in the world. People think you are good, but you are bad and hard hearted. I'll let everyone know what you have done."
在這座鑲嵌在平原和沼澤中與世隔絕的城堡里,兩人之間的羈絆和眼波的流連漸增。而Rochester是這個偌大世界中富有和自由的力量,不是這座城堡里牆壁上緊貼生長的畫像。從小孤苦的poor, obscure, plain and litle Jane如何在這場對弈中攻城略地而毫不自我懷疑?而正因為看過世間浮華,Rochester才明白Jane是多珍貴的生靈。
「Am I a machine without feelings? Do you think that because I am poor, obscure , plain and little that I am soulless and heartless. I have as much soul of you and full as much heart. And if god had blessed me with beauty and wealth. I could have made it hard for you to leave me as it is hard for me to leave you. I am not speak to u as mortal flesh. It is my spirit that addresses your spirit . And if we'd pass through the grave and stood at god's feet, equal. As we are 」
此處鼓掌,太精彩了,雖然上演了一出灰姑娘與王子的戲碼,但是既不是灰姑娘那麼蠢萌也不是五十度灰那麼低到塵埃里。I am a free humanbeing with an independent will.
所以Rochester說:" Miss Ingram, she is the machine without feeling, it's you , you rare, unearthly thing. Poor and obscure as you are, please accept me as your husband."
「 All is changed, Sir. I must leave you."
"NO. NO. Jane, do you love me? Then the essential things are the same. Be my wife."
" You have a wife."
"I pledge you my honor my fidelity."
"You cannot"
"My love, until death do us apart."
"what of truth"
"I would have told you the truth."
"You are deceitful, sir."
」You would rather drive me madness than break some mere human law."
「I must respect myself."
話語從來輕薄,時間和行為最能告訴你真相。所以,Jane要逃,如果她身處煉獄,那他們的愛情也會被煎熬殆盡。她一人逃至無人之地的荒野,幾乎沒命。就當一個人捨棄全部,孤身一人再去面對這個世界的時候,才是真正的對心性的考驗。因為她是Jane, 因為她從來都習慣於一個人對抗世界,所以這對於她來說其實是最好的救贖。從那些分崩離析的瓦解的殘骸中重新長出自己。
當MR River 這個大好人說, 」we shall marry, and undoubtedly enough of love will follow."
就在這,兩種截然不同的愛情觀直接對撞。愛情是不是道德和形式嗎? 要思考這個問題,當然得問道德是什麼? 道德不過是約定俗成的簡化的標準,放在不同的時間空間就有不同的表現形式。而愛情從來都嚮往永恆和不朽。道德怎麼能捆綁得住愛情的這般寬廣。

而有愛情就可以什麼都不顧嗎?若是Jane失去了honesty, respect, free, independent.她還是Jane嗎?如果愛情讓人厭棄自己厭棄對方,那麼愛情的初衷又被遺棄在了哪裡。
Jane 對River說「 Forgive me , but the very name of love is an apple discord between us."
不管Jane如何不願提起過往,儘管她極力隱藏自己。但是在每一個可能的點,她都抱有一絲幻想希望Rochester找到了她。在那個風雪交加的夜晚, 她希望敲門聲帶來的人就是Rochester。而她會毫不猶豫的抱住他。
正是MR River的婚姻之名的愛情,讓她恍然發現不管她逃到哪裡,都逃不掉Rochester的呼喚。 JANE WHERE ARE YOU
已經失明的Rochester撫摸著Jane的手,說it's a dream.
而難得的是, 經歷一切的殘酷, 醒過來之後, 良人歸來。

"I drag through life a capital error, its consequence blights my existence. For years, I've sought to escape it. This spring I came home, heartsore and soul-withered. And I met a gentle stranger who's society revives me. With her I thought I could live again, in a higher, purer way. Tell me. Am I justified in overlapping an obstacle of custom to attain her?"
那麼Jane呢? 怎麼就默默地愛上了這個喜歡獵槍,有著浮誇的幽默的男人?記得在Jane遇到Rochester前一幕,她站在窗子前向外望,管家走過來說,
」it's a quiet life, isn't it? This isolated house. A still doom for a young woman."
"I wish a woman could have action in her life, like a man. It agitates me to pain that the skyline over there is ever our limit. I've never seen a city, Never spoken with man, and I fear my whole life will pass." 然後她在外出送信時遇到了Rochester, 這個騎著馬闖進她的世界的男人,是她的一片新的天地。幸而Rochester確實是一個重情重義之人, 若不是,那麼他就只會是一個替Jane打開了一個新世界的人,而更大的世界等著她帶著她的熱情和好奇去探索和超越,Jane是這個世界的堅硬心靈,不用擔心。

這部電影情節真的很慢,而且並不小清新,而是帶著很多疏離感,這是從Jane的視角來看這個世界,而不是從我們的視角來看Jane。不僅是浪漫愛情片,也關於成長。 越來越同意朋友說的不管跟誰在一起,都是自己的修煉,最重要的是愛的能力。不管你如何選擇,都希望你能不厭棄自己。不管是抵抗還是與這個世界握手言和,都希望你期盼每一個黎明。
